I did not set out to start building wheels as a trade, it was just something that I enjoyed doing for myself. The carbon wheel revolution A couple of friends asked me to build wheels for them. Things just kind of snowballed from there. I am an engineer by trade and a perfectionist by nature. There is no such thing as "good enough" in my shop. I do not have a time limit on a set of wheels. I will not claim to be the best wheelbuilder but I will promise you that your wheels will be built with the same precision and tolerances.
I do not use any proprietary parts. It is my philosophy that how a wheel performs is more than just the sum of its parts. Balancing spoke tension, using the correct spoke tension, and frequently checking tolerances during the build process results in a wheel that will make you wonder why you waited so long to get on a custom set.
My wheels are built to be ridden. They are not showpieces for special occasions. If you are going to spend the money for a nice set of wheels then ride them! I test my products under all kinds of conditions. I'm the guy riding carbon wheels with his his kids at the park. I'm the fool riding 60mm wheels on a windy day. And I'm the guy taking alloy training wheels to the races.
You may be wondering about the origin of "dzmlyk". This was the spelling of my family name when my great grandfather emmigrated to the United States over a hundred years ago.
Special set of wheels presented to a world champion.